
Tuesday, January 1, 2013



Java reflection is a class in java from package java.lang.reflect we can get all the properties and explore from other classes such as its constructors, methods, and fields. let’s try.
First we create super class 

abstract public class Person {
   abstract void yourName();

and then we create the class which is extends Person Class

public class Myself extends Person{
   void yourName() {
      System.out.println("my name is Iman");

now we create demo class how java reflection work, in our demo class we just try to retrieve all the methods in a class and its super class .
One thing that we should aware that when to call the name of class when using java reflection Class for “Class”, if we didn’t put our java file in package we can invoke Class.forName(“class_name”) but if we put our class in package Class.forName(“package_name.class_name”)

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;

public class ReflectionDemo {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
     try {
     Class demo = Class.forName("demo.Myself");
     // this for retrieving method name
     Method method[] =demo.getDeclaredMethods();
     for (int i = 0; i < method.length; i++) {
       System.out.println(" the method name is  --"

    // retrieving super class from Myself Class
    Class superClass = demo.getSuperclass();
    System.out.println("Name of super class for Myself is --" 

    // this for retrieving method name in super class
    Method superMethods[] = superClass.getDeclaredMethods();
    for (int i = 0; i < superMethods.length; i++) {
     System.out.println(" the method name is -- "   
   } catch (Exception e) {

the console will show bellow :

the method name is -- void demo.Myself.yourName()
Name of super class for Myself is -- demo.Person
the method name is -- abstract void demo.Person.yourName()

java reflection can retrieve all methods or fields even in private mode on, one unique things that we can access private method using reflection, let’s try how to access the private method that in real OOP we can’t access.
in MySelf class we add method :

private String sayHello(String hello){
    return hello;

and in DemoReflection class we add few line code for accessing private method

// try to access private method
Myself myself = new Myself();
// get the method which is private
Method privateMethod = demo.Myself.class.getDeclaredMethod("sayHello", String.class);
// this the key for making us access the private method
String returnValue = (String)privateMethod.invoke(myself, "hello...guys!!!");
System.out.println("AHHA !!!!! we got the method .... "+returnValue);

if we run DemoReflection the console will look like bellow :

the method name is -- private java.lang.String demo.Myself.sayHello(java.lang.String)
the method name is -- void demo.Myself.yourName()
Name of super class for Myself is -- demo.Person
the method name is -- abstract void demo.Person.yourName()
AHHA !!!!! we got the method .... hello...guys!!!

Now we access the private field using reflection, by giving value to private field, execute method that not private method which invoke private field.
Add code bellow to Myself

private String name;

String yourNameIs(){
   return name;

And then we add code to our DemoReflection to accessing private field

// get the field which is private
Field field = Myself.class.getDeclaredField("name");
// this the key let us accessing the private field
field.set(myself, "iman");
System.out.println(" --- "+myself.yourNameIs());

and the console we show like bellow :

the method name is -- java.lang.String demo.Myself.yourNameIs()
Name of super class for Myself is -- demo.Person
the method name is -- abstract void demo.Person.yourName()
AHHA !!!!! we got the method .... hello...guys!!!
--- iman

as seen above we can access field private and private method, what about with OOP concept, private it means the others class cannot access fields or methods, because of java has reflection class we can access all private mode. one thing that we should note that private is intended to prevent misuse, but not security mechanis


1 comment:

  1. http://www.scribd.com/doc/163398138/Java-Reflection-with-Generics-Practical-Case
